Here’s a sneak peek of what I’ve been working on during the pandemic. These sculptures explore our spiritual landscapes and examine how we interact with our world. Sign up here for updates.

PATHWAYS + LANDSCAPES: Paper Collage / Sculpture

A Line Or Outline Which Gradually Deviates, Paper Collage, 2021, 12x13in

A Line Or Outline Which Gradually Deviates, Paper Collage, 2021, 12x13in

An Occurrence of Fainting, Paper Collage, 2021, 12x18in

An Occurrence of Fainting, Paper Collage, 2021, 12x18in

Thinning Out, Paper Collage, 2021, 11x11in

Thinning Out, Paper Collage, 2021, 11x11in

A Thick, Solid Piece of Something, Paper Collage, 2021, 11x11in

A Thick, Solid Piece of Something, Paper Collage, 2021, 11x11in